First Announcement
4th International Conference on
Biotechnology Applications In Agriculture
(ICBAA) 2018

To be Organized by Faculty of Agriculture,
Benha University
4-7 April 2018,Hurghada,Egypt
Under auspices of:
Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research:
Prof. Dr. Khaled Abdul Ghaffar
Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation:
Prof.Dr. Abdel Moneim Al-Banna
Kalyoubia Governor:
Mahmoud Ashmawy
President of Benah University:
prof.Dr. EL-Sayed ElKady
President of the Conference and Dean of Faculty of Agriculture:
Prof. Dr. Mahmoud M. Iraqi
Coordinator and Vice Dean of Graduate Studies and Research Affairs:
Prof. Dr. Naser El-Gizawy
Secretary General of Conference:
Prof. Dr. Maher H. Khalil