First Announcement
5th International Conference on
Biotechnology Applications In Agriculture
(ICBAA) 2020

To be Organized by Faculty of Agriculture,
Benha University
8-11 April 2020, Hurghada, Egypt
Under auspices of:
Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research:
Prof. Dr. Khaled Abdul Ghaffar
Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation:
Prof. Dr. Ezz El Din Abu Steit
Kalyoubia Governor:
Dr. Alaa Abdel Halim
President of Benha University
Prof. Dr. Gamal El-Saied
President of the Conference Dean of Faculty of Agriculture
Prof. Dr. Mahmoud M. Iraqi
Secretary General of Conference
Prof. Dr. Maher H. Khalil
Coordinator and Vice Dean of Graduate Studies and Research Affairs
Prof. Dr. Nasser K. El-Gizawy